Tile floors, as well as being attractive and versatile, are also a low maintenance flooring solution due to being shaped and fired at very high temperatures in a kiln. If the tiles are also glazed they have a very effective barrier from water, stains and dirt which makes them even more resilient and easier to keep clean.

However, while tiles are easy to maintain, it is still important to take some steps to make sure they remain in the best possible condition. So, what is the best way to clean your tile floors?

  1. Attend to dirt and spills as quickly as possible. Use a mop or cloth and some hot water mixed with a mild household detergent (be sure to do a spot test with the detergent first).
  2. Regularly maintain your tiles floors by sweeping, vacuuming and damp mopping them. Tiles can be mopped with a manufacturer recommended cleaning product, or even just plain water.
  3. Look after the grout that holds your tiles in place. Experts recommend sealing your grout twice a year to stop stains, dirt and water from being able to penetrate. Grout that has become dirty can be cleaned with a toothbrush soaked in equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and water.

Beauty can be low maintenance and tiles are certainly hygienic, resistant to stains and easy to clean.

Originally posted 2016-08-04 23:05:22.