Wall Tiles, Bench Tiles and Tiled Splashbacks

We not only work with flooring and ground tiles, we can apply almost all of our tile and grouting applications to your wall tiles, bench-top tiles and tiled splashbacks.

Wall Tiles

In a residential situation, wall tiles are not generally subjected to the same wear and tear as floor tiles. And as such, maintenance requirements are considerably less. A good regular clean with a quality product will keep your tiles fresh. At some point you may notice the tiles becoming dull and harder to clean, that is when you can give us a call and we will generally be able to advise over the phone if you need us to call out and take a look or indeed, if there is something we could recommend you try yourself to return the original tile appearance.

Splashback Tiles

Even though tiles used as a splashback do not get subjected to heavy treatment, they certainly get exposed to more oil based dirt than floor tiles would. This will increase the deterioration rate of the tile protective coatings which is something you need to be aware of. Make sure you take extra care to use the correct products and thoroughly clean the surface areas. Eventually you will need professional service to return the splashbacks to their original sparkling clean look, and that is where Tile and Grout Gold Coast can help.

Once we have finished, we can assure you that you will simply not believe how much difference has been made by having a professional tile service on your splashback tiles.

Benchtop Tiles

There was a time when tiled benchtops were an absolute must. But over the years, the preference for benchtop tiles has dropped away in favour of new technology. However, in saying that, there remains a surprisingly large number of tiled benchtops in homes today and we also see a trend returning to the tiled benchtops.

Styles are different and colours are different, but regardless of tile style and colour, they are still tiles and they still have grouting. And being benchtops, they are closer to the eye making any dirt, grime and lack lustre becoming more obvious. Generally the tile sizes are smaller which means at least double the amount of grouting making the grout itself a feature.

Tile and grout Gold Coast can restore or repair the grout and the tiles bringing them back to a sparkling finish and one that you can be proud of and relaxed in the knowledge they are clean and free of in-ground bacteria.

Wall Tile Grout Services

As we have noted previously in our floor grout articles, your regular cleaning will run dirty water into the grout and eventually stain the grout giving it a ‘dirty’ appearance. Normal scrubbing and chemicals will have little or no effect to bring the grout back to the ‘clean look’.

This is predominantly the case in splashbacks where cooking reside and oils will get into the grout and become almost impossible to remove by regular cleaning processes. We have the right equipment, products and know-how to get your grout back to new.

Restoring Floors throughout Gold Coast

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