How to Clean Grout

Grout (or grouting) is the mixture of sand, cement and water that keeps tiles in place. And this can be difficult to keep clean. To make cleaning easier, it is recommended that you get your grout sealed every 2 years. This allows your grouting to become considerably more resistant to stains, grime, oil and discolouring.

But, sorry to say, you still have to clean it and a simple mop over will simply not be suffice. Here we have provided a list of the three best ways to bring your grout back to sparkling white again. (more…)

Originally posted 2016-08-04 23:19:46.

The Best Way to Clean Your Tile Floors

Tile floors, as well as being attractive and versatile, are also a low maintenance flooring solution due to being shaped and fired at very high temperatures in a kiln. If the tiles are also glazed they have a very effective barrier from water, stains and dirt which makes them even more resilient and easier to keep clean.

However, while tiles are easy to maintain, it is still important to take some steps to make sure they remain in the best possible condition. So, what is the best way to clean your tile floors? (more…)

Originally posted 2016-08-04 23:05:22.

Tile Cleaning Tips and Hints

For areas in the home such as kitchens and bathrooms that might get wet from time to time, tiles are an excellent choice of floor covering.  But with high foot traffic your beautiful new tiles slowly become ‘old’ tiles. In order to keep your tile flooring in the best possible condition and looking like new for years, follow the tile cleaning tips below.

  1. Remove loose dirt and crumbs daily by either sweeping or vacuuming.  This will prevent dirt from sitting in wet areas and turning into grime which is difficult to remove.
  2. Mop your tiles on a regular basis to remove surface stains and dirt.  Before mopping your tile floor, sweep or vacuum. Use warm water and clean the mop in fresh water after mopping each section.  After mopping, run a dry cloth or mop over the floor to prevent new dirt from accumulating.
  3. Attend to spills promptly.  The longer spills are left to sit, the more time they will have to soak into the grout.  Use disinfectant to clean dirtier spills such as meat juices or pet accidents.  Disinfectant can be sprayed directly onto the spill and wiped up with a damp cloth.


Originally posted 2016-05-21 06:48:44.